Care & Procedures

Dental First Aid

Lost Filling

Fillings can fall out due to a crack in the filling or because of underlying decay. If you are in pain, take an over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen. Call our office as soon as possible.

Crown Off

Crowns rarely come off without a significant reason, such as decay under the crown or a fracture in the underlying tooth. Avoid hot, cold, sweet or sour foods to keep comfortable. If treatment is delayed for a few days, it will not be harmful for the tooth as long as the delay is not excessive and the tooth is not too uncomfortable. Call our office as soon as possible.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can occur during pregnancy or when teeth are not being kept clean enough. Greater effort should be made to brush effectively at the gum line. Bleeding gums can indicate periodontal (gum) disease. The situation should not be ignored. Call during regular office hours to schedule an appointment.

Broken Tooth

Teeth break because of trauma, decay, or because of slowly progressing cracks in tooth structure. Broken teeth can be sharp to the cheeks or tongue and need smoothing. Front broken teeth pose a cosmetic problem. In the case of trauma where the tooth is also significantly loosened, immediate attention is important. For an emergency situation involving trauma, mobility, or spontaneous pain, call us immediately.


Toothaches should not be ignored. Infections can become severe if left untreated. The most common emergency pain situation is the little ache that is ignored and becomes a very painful infection. If you are in severe pain or have swelling, call our office as soon as possible. If you have manageable pain with over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and no swelling, call us as soon as possible during regular office hours. Do not use heat on areas of swelling, and do not use aspirin directly on tissues around the teeth. Ibuprofen is a very good pain medication as long as you are not sensitive to ibuprofen and you are sure it will not interfere with any other medications you take. Prolonged use of pain medications and delaying treatment, especially if you know the tooth is broken or has an obvious hole or big cavity in it, can lead to a bad abscess and more difficult treatment.

Pain in a Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth can become infected as they erupt, especially if they lack adequate space to fully emerge. Often they should be removed before they begin to erupt. Early evaluation in the mid-teen years can prevent future problems. Ibuprofen is excellent for pain relief. If there is swelling or you have difficulty in opening your mouth or have severe pain, call our office as soon as possible. Mild pain with no swelling or infection can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications, but only for a short time before calling us during regular business hours.

Jaw Joint Pain (TMJ)

The jaw joint is called the Temporal-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) and consists of a cartilage disc positioned between the two bones in the joint. This joint can develop painful clicks, have non-painful innocent clicks, or can lock in open or closed positions with obvious distress. The muscles controlling the joint can be painful from clenching as well. Significant pain can be helped with anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, a soft diet for a time, and the use of intermittent hot and cold packs over the joint areas in front of the ears. Call during business hours for an evaluation.